Tina Martí i Mireia Amat
This event happened on the night of November the 10th, when many interesting facts happened, such as interviews with important people and the incredible outfits that the candidates wore. LCI Barcelona is known for its international arts inRuence in the Catalan capital. It is a university of design and visual arts with a huge importance. The event took place at the art and design museum of the city, which is called Disseny Hub Barcelona. Many events take place at the Disseny Hub Barcelona museum, because of the importance they are in Barcelona. Generally speaking, the museum combines fashion, design, decorative arts, and artistic expressions.

Many professionals assisted at the event and the number of people that bought a ticket for this important event was pretty impressive. In total, counting all the assistants of the event there were 300 people. Once we entered the museum security took us to the auditorium where the event would take place. The event started with the presentation of Teresa Riott, a Catalan actress, graduated in film and television . She is known for portraying the character Nerea in the NetRix series Valeria. Riott was excellent during the beginning of the event; she introduced the organizers, founders and directors who started the project proposal in 2017. These were Fabricio Pérez (Designer and Art Director), Maya McCarthy (Fashion Brand Consultant), Henry Rivas (editor-in-Chief of Barcelona Fashion Press), Andrea López (fashion Designer and Creator of PatternCo), Charo Mora (Journalist and Specialist in Fashion Culture), and Montse G. Carretero (founder of Sita Carter, a company specializing in gastronomic experiences and events).
After the presentation of the directors of the event, the jury went on stage to present themselves. This consisted of Nur Casadevall (film director represented by CANADA), Victor Claramunt (fashion Films Director), Nuria Torrente (jewelry designer), Marta Sierra (inRuencer) and Estel Vilaseca (director of Itfashion).
Lastly, Riott presented the total of categories of the event with its candidates and winners. Firstly, a few seconds of each nominated video was shown and then, the winner was announced. After the winner went to the stage to collect the award, the whole video that won was played. These ones were the winners of each category:
Best fashion film:
– Professional: Big Paris Moment by Matthew Frost https://vimeo.com/matthewfrost
– New talent: An unusual swim”Chateau d’eau” by XG Guillamon X Vogue portugal Best idea:
– Professional: On the Rocks by Naguisa by Núria Tolós https://vimeo.com/855743794
- New talent: Ressusciter chapter 1- The drowning shadows by Héctor Torres Best fashion:
- Professional: An ode to procrastination by Alksandra Kingo
- New talent: Guilty Pleasure by Ruth Galarza Best photography:
- Professional: We are 1 by Enrico Poli
- New talent: Resiliència by Raul Sousa X Majatu Studio Best art direction:
- Professional:Zara Origins Berlin Winter by Ben Klock https://www.canadacanada.com/project/zara-origins-berlin-winter-by-ben-klock
- New talent: CFDA FASHION AWARDS 2023 CAMPAIGN by Sarah Molano
After finishing the first part, attendees were directed to a second room where catering and drinks were provided. There, people had the opportunity to meet the directors of the videos and engage in conversations with them.
We had the pleasure of speaking with Alexandra Kingo and Héctor Torres, who shared insights into their lives and the creative process behind their work.
Aleksandra Kingo, a filmmaker, director, and photographer from Lithuania, began her career as a photographer. She recently produced a short fashion film titled ‘An Ode to Procrastination’ in response to her own desire for authenticity and a departure from the artificial feel of commercial directing. The film won the prize for the best fashion film at the Barcelona Fashion Film Festival. Although her start as a photographer was brief, she explains that she initially didn’t feel like she belonged there. She wanted to engage in more personal projects and move away from “feeling like a fake director in commercial work,” she says.
Aleksandra highlights the importance of collaborating with friends and enjoying the creative process, not just focusing on serious work. She also discusses the challenges of creating something personal, especially when it originates from deep within. She emphasizes the fear of investing so much of oneself into a project and not knowing how it will be received in a world that always craves something new.
Looking ahead, Kingo’s future plans remain uncertain, as she acknowledges the difficulty of selecting the next project despite attempting to draft lots of scripts. Nevertheless, she hinted at a potential future project exploring the theme of growing up, inspired by a recent commercial she produced—an opportunity that propelled her further into the realm of fashion film success.
Héctor Torres Espinoza, the author of the winning video for the best new talent idea, is credited for the video titled ‘Ressusciter Chapter 1 – The Drowning Shadows.’ The award was met with controversy as many individuals felt it was inappropriate for a video created with artificial intelligence to participate.
Torres Espinoza defended his work, emphasizing the need to harness the capabilities of artificial intelligence tools, which are increasingly integrated into different aspects of our lives, not just in the realm of fashion. He firmly believes that embracing these tools will mark a significant turning point in creative processes, making us much better.
The video’s creation process involved utilizing thousands of different artificial intelligence servers. Torres Espinoza directed these servers to bring to life the visuals he envisioned in his mind. He describes the journey as challenging, spending months immersed in the project 24/7 until his envisioned outcome materialized. Undoubtedly, the result is an innovative and original video.
LCI Barcelona Fashion Film Festival gave us a wonderful night, full of art and knowledge. This event happens every year, we recommend the experience of assisting a 100%.